Sunday, 3 June 2007

What is youbreathe?


Some feedback I have had about this blog from friends is people reading this might not know what youbreathe is. So this week I will explain a little more about youbreathe but without trying to make this into a sales pitch.

youbreathe is a hand-held device that applies the principles of vibration to the breathing muscles. There are currently several respiratory muscle training products on the market but non of them utilise vibration. So youbreathe allows people to train their breathing muscles without any discomfort or great effort. We have submitted some results recently showing that using this device for a little as 10 breaths can increase breathing performance by up to 15%. Obviously when you train long term the benefits are much greater than this. So breathing in and out of youbreathe for around 5 mins a day, 5 days a week can have amazing effects on performance.

Another colleague who is a national strength and conditioning association coach has been using youbreathe and found that when he goes for a run he gets into the zone so quickly since using youbreathe. Again this is great for me to hear that something I invented can actually help someone. For more info please see

OK, I hope this clears up what youbreathe is.

I am going to start working on some youbreathe exercises that are combined with eastern philosophy and some visualisation exercises, as training the body and mind is far superior to training just the body.

Ok have a great week, see you next post.


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