Sunday 21 January 2007

Detox Time

Hi again,

Have just finished my detox programme. Basically I drink a litre of apple juice per day for 6 days and then on the 6th day we stopped eating and drank epsom salts and squeezed pink grapefruit mixed with olive oil. The next morning all hell breaks loose and you pass (poo) hundreds of these liver and gallstones. All very nice.

This is the 6th month I have done this and previously I have passed hundreds of stones, but this time I seem to be running out, maybe this is a sign of my increasing health? Looking forward to my KFC bonanza tonight though.

OK back to my main topic, vibration training. This week I did a presentation of some of my work to the DTi. I have basically invented several devices, one of them named Youbreathe is a vibration training device for the respiratory system. We are getting some good results from this, but now my work is taking me more into the realms of business. We are going through the commercialisation of this device, which is quite a laborious process. Currently we are trying to raise finance so that we can increase production and fund a marketing campaign.

We hope eventually to get the device used in the NHS where we believe it can have the most benefit, but that takes time. We currently have many elite athletes using the device. This is quite scary for me as something I have created is being used and being judged by many elite athletes. But when you get good feedback it is so rewarding. We have a GB sprinter called Dwayne Grant using the device. Dwayne is asthmatic and is receiving great benefit from the device. I hope we can help more people like this.

OK, time for my lunch. Have a good weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.