Friday 8 August 2008

youbreathe/aerosure for colds and flu

This is a short post to continue my discussion from last time. I was talking about trials getting underway to test the efficacy of youbreathe/aerosure in clearing mucus in clinical patient populations. Well various feedback from users has indicated that once the initial fever during a cold or flu is over, that youbreathe/aerosure can be very helpful in clearing chest congestion.

Try to get a little olbas inhaler or some eucalyptus oil and hold it in front of youbreathe/aerosure as you inhale and you will feel the effects of youbreathe/aerosure pulsing the vapor right down through your full respiratory system. This has the effect of moistening the mucus membranes and reducing respiratory tract inflammation.

I hope youbreathe/aerosure can be useful in so many conditions as breathing is so fundamental to everything we do.

This is a link to the BBC website for cold and flu:

BBC colds and flu

Here is a link to the BUPA cold and flu website:

The following are a couple of links for relief from colds and flu:

Please keep an eye on the download page of the youbreathe website for new user manuals :

Stay healthy